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“2nd Updates & Trends in Neonatal Care”


30 June 2017

The company held the “2nd Updates & Trends in Neonatal Care” at the Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel between 09:00-17:00 on 30 June.

With purposes:

  1. To public announce new technologies and products related to neonatal care.
  2. To allow participants to try it out, have studied the information, knowledge, and experience sharing, introducing Baby Warmer, Infant Warming Machine.
  3. To target customers to recognize the performance, new technologies for Baby Warmer, Infant Warming Machine. It is important to make a purchase decision, to suit the task workload and suitability in their hospital.

The target audiences to participate in this academic, as doctors and nurses as well as medical personnel in the neonatal section and a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) throughout the event, there were 126 participants.

